Is culture adding to your stress?

If so, you’re not alone. And if you think it is, it likely is.
Culture and relationships
Cultural differences are like personality differences, in some ways. They bring into a relationship an inherent richness as well as its share of hidden challenges.
Cultural differences are often first seen as personal flaws of the other. These can lead to initial self-doubt or quiet resentment. Left to fester, they can end in full-blown interpersonal conflicts. But this needn’t be the case. There is hope to develop a new way of understanding without judgement in an intercultural relationship gone wrong.
Whether it is a couple relationship that blossomed from the initial excitement and intrigue of the often-exotic cultural differences, the opposite-attracts idea; or an office relationship that quickly became toxic to one or both parties, understanding cultural differences can help with rediscovering that mutual respect and acceptance of one another. ASK Psychologist Dr Lim …
Culture and parents
My parents still don’t trust me, I left home 10 years ago!
I’m sure you’ve heard of this before. It’s called the intergenerational gap. It affects not just your relationship with your parents; it also affects your other important relationships.
Many of us would value our parents as our closest friends. While many people do eventually come to a more adult-to-adult understanding relationship with their parents, too many people do not. Their present and future remain tethered to their role as so-and-so’s child. Or, you still hear mum’s voice in your head when you fail an exam, get overlooked for a promotion, or your latest relationship went south, again.
Parents and children are challenged by intergenerational differences. There is this constant dancing around one another. Roles change as we grow. The willingness to change and adapt is a big factor in ensuring the ongoing healthy parent-child relationship that we all want. However, it is not always an easy transition to make. If you need help, ASK Psychologist Dr Lim …
My parents don’t understand me, they’re migrants!
Born here? Or grew up here? But you feel your parents are from la-la land? They don’t get you, at all! They harbour deeply-held prejudices, and they are interfering in your relationships at home and at work?
The bigger the difference between your parents’ original culture and their adopted one, the greater the challenge. You can read more about national cultural differences by googling ‘national cultural differences’ for some really good insights.
National cultural differences within a family can add a layer of complexity to the parent-child relationship that is already challenged by intergenerational difficulties and personality differences, adding to stress.
But there is hope and there is help. ASK Psychologist Dr Lim …